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  • Writer's pictureMisty Gage

Auntie's Dress

Though sewing isn't really my thing any more (too many physical injuries have made running my machine hard on my body) I started something many years ago that I intend to continue doing until the end of my journey.

In 2011, when my twin sister's oldest daughter decided she wanted to be baptized I thought it would be a wonderful gift to make her a gorgeous gown to wear for her special day. I envisioned how special I wanted her to feel, like she was a princess on her big day. Pure white satin followed and a full flowing gown was soon shipped off with no warning to it's arrival. I wasn't there to see her face when she opened that box but luckily my sis was standing by with her camera. Not only was my niece super surprised but she was happy. I was able to attend the baptism a couple of months later and my beautiful niece wore that gown so proudly.

Since then I've made one other gown for my second niece and a vest for my nephew and have just finished the last gown for my twin's youngest daughter. She's eagerly awaiting "auntie's dress".

I've already promised a gown for my baby sister's daughter and will make a vest for my latest nephew when they are ready. It's a tradition I'm glad I started all those years ago and am so happy I can make them all feel just a little more special on their big days.

Happy Crafting,


P.S. For more of my work or to join a workshop visit me at

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1 Comment

Jessi Eberle
Jessi Eberle
Feb 14, 2019

You are the best auntie! The kids all loved their baptism outfits. And even after a year Ella still loves to wear her dress to church!

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