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  • Writer's pictureMisty Gage

Awakened by the Light

I've been warned about "winter depression" numerous times since I moved to Washington six years ago but never really felt it's effects until this year.

And even though it wasn't actual depression, the doldrums of this particular winter created a sever lack of creative motivation and inspiration for me.

Sever enough that I took serious notice and wondered whether I'd ever want to create again... a very real and very scary thought.

Creativity for me is like breathing. I can't even imagine life without it.

As many of you know, my mornings start before the sun rises and I spend many of my morning hours working at my day job. This morning was no different until I left work earlier than usual.

Stepping outside I was greeted by a warmer than normal breeze and glorious, revitalizing sunlight.

As I drove home, that long awaited warmth soaked deep down into my body, chasing away the suffocating tendrils winter has left and once again filling my soul with light and inspiration.

I LOVE the sun but never really appreciated it or it's effects on me. It's something I regrettably took for granted for far too long. Now, once again blessed by it's healing warmth, I intend to enjoy every second the sun blesses me with and to create with renewed passion.

As bleh as winter can be I have to admit, I'm grateful for those days. Now, I can enjoy each precious day of sunshine more. Those cold, dark days have taught me to really appreciate the things that make me happy, to cherish each second I have to enjoy them and to bask in the sunshine.

'til next time,


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