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  • Writer's pictureMisty Gage

Rising is a Choice

I'm not sure how I even came across Kris Carr, I think maybe she was mentioned in one of my CreativeLive classes but I love her!

She has a beautiful, heart wrenching story and the sweetest positive disposition with just the right amount of sass mixed in. I get her newsletters often and love reading them. Last week's message was all about rising up and it got me thinking.

Are you feeling down on your luck? Maybe it seems like the odds are never in your favor? Perhaps your going through a divorce or stuck in a relationship that's just not working out?

Are you drowning in a dead end job you can't stand? Maybe it's as simple as life just doesn't feel like it's going anywhere?

I can relate, to several of these in fact. Which is why Kris' message came at just the right time and I felt it was important to pass along.

Life has a way of doing the unexpected, of pouring on more than we think we can handle, of dealing out bad hands (at least that's what we tell ourselves) but rising up is a choice. A supremely personal one in fact and one I know each of you is perfectly capable of making. We are each in control of our own life and destiny.

No matter what you think, you are strong, persistent, determined and worth every effort and so are your dreams and happiness. So no matter what you are going through.

You can rise!

Rise like a phoenix from the ashes! Spread your wings wide and soar. Pursue those dreams. Leave those heartbreaks and disappointments behind you. Find or rekindle your passions.


Be Free!

Be Happy!

Do what you love!

Be the amazing person that you are!

You can do it!

Rise up!

'Til next time


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