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  • Writer's pictureMisty Gage

What Makes Your Heart Smile?

Today feels like a day for keeping things simple; no lessons, words of advice or anecdotes just joy and happiness. So here's my list of 20 things that make my heart smile.

1. Sunshine on my face.

2. Bright vibrant colors.

3. Snuggle time with my Coco.

4. Alone time to just be me.

5. Wind whispering through the leaves.

6. Sunrise over the water.

7. Cherry blossom trees in bloom.

8. When Autumn paints the world.

9. Fuzzy robes, warm slippers and hot coco.

10. Craft time and upcycling.

11. Adventuring

12. Seeing the world through my camera lens.

13. Losing myself in nature.

14. The goofy grin on Coco's face when she's happy to see me but still half asleep.

15. Reflections on water.

16. The pitter patter of rain.

17. Chilly morning air when autumn arrives.

18. Roses; all shapes, sizes and colors.

19. Enjoying the peaceful solitude of the beach at night.

20. Sending random "love" texts and notes to my loved ones.

How about you, what makes your heart smile? Can you list 5 things right now? How about 10? Is joy just pouring from you and 20 things are easy to name? I'd love to see what makes your hearts smile, please feel free to share in the comments, through an email or later today on Facebook.

'Til next time,


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